Kansas Family Medical Assistance
Manual (KFMAM)
Eligibility Policy - 12/26/2024
1401 General Information - An application is defined as a request for medical assistance. Individuals can apply for medical assistance in one of the following ways:
a) Online application submitted through the Self Service Portal (SSP)
b) Paper application form submitted by mail or in person at the KanCare Clearinghouse
c) Telephone application
d) Transfer of a request from the Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM)
e) Request by phone for individuals in households with already open medical programs (see 1402)
Based on the provisions of 3000, an application shall include all required persons. Required persons are as follows:
- The individual,
- The individual's spouse,
- The individual's children under age 21 living with them,
- The individual's partner who lives with them when they have mutual children,
- Any other individual who is on the individual's tax return (whether or not they live with them), and
- Anyone else under age 21 who lives with the individual and they care for.
The application, together with the agency records (if any), the necessary forms (budgets, notices of action, narratives, etc.), and any required verification must substantiate eligibility or ineligibility.
At the time of application processing, each month shall be viewed separately in determining eligibility or ineligibility. For example, if an application is filed in July but processed in August, ineligibility in August shall not affect the eligibility determination for the month of July.