Kansas Department of Health & Environment

Kansas Family Medical Assistance

Manual (KFMAM)

Eligibility Policy - 12/27/2024

02000 >>> 02570 >>> 2571

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2571 Payment of Premiums - Premiums will likely be paid directly to the employer or insurance company so that the client will not be directly involved. However, there will be some instances in which such an arrangement cannot be made, such as when the employer requires that coverage be paid for only through a payroll deduction. In these instances, the fiscal agent will have to arrange for a direct reimbursement check to the client. A process has been established to provide such payments. These would be made in a timely fashion as soon after the payment has been made by the client as possible. This should generally be within two weeks' time at most. Such reimbursement checks would be exempt as income per 5400.

Verification of any payroll deduction will usually not be required of field staff as the fiscal agent will have this information at the time of enrollment in order to begin making direct payments. Staff should reverify this information at the time of each review if there are no other changes in the interim. If the client must make other payment arrangements such as paying the insurance company directly, field staff will need to request verification from the client for reimbursement purposes. No reimbursement payment will be made without such verification.

Should the client discontinue the payroll deductions or other insurance payments; negative action would need to be taken to terminate eligibility for the individual. If the fiscal agent become aware of payments being discontinued or of enrollment being terminated, they will contact the Case Manager. If the Case Manager becomes aware of such instances, they are to refer the information to the fiscal agent immediately to stop reimbursement and take negative action as quickly as possible.

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